契約国政府関係者向けアクセス (このe-certificate/電子証明書ポータルは、事前承認されたアクセスにのみ利用可能であることにご注意ください)。
Bahamas Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ)
Bolivia Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the Bolivian Government Authority
Mauritius Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the Mauritius Government
St. Kitts and Nevis Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards (SKNBS)
St. Lucia Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the St. Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS)
South Sudan Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS)
Tanzania Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)
Uganda Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)
Zambia Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the Zambia Compulsory Standards Authority (ZCSA)
Zimbabwe Inspections Database
Portal Entry Here This is a portal provided for use by the Zimbabwe Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC)