
Stolen Vehicle Check

Independent inspections you can trust. EAA Company Ltd is 100% free from any conflict of interest.

Radiation Inspections

Protect your loved ones from the dangers of importing highly radiated vehicles. EAA Company Ltd is ISO/IEC accredited to conduct radiation inspections.

Pre-Export Appraisal

Trust EAA Company Ltd to deliver your motor vehicle inspection needs.

Condition Check

All vehicle wheels (including spare) must have sufficient tread to meet the minimum roadworthiness standard.


Calibrated Equipment

Kisarazu Inspections

A handy location in Tokyo Bay and covered by regular vessel sailings to a number of worldwide port locations.

EAA Company Limited

A pioneer in used vehicle pre-shipment inspections.
With more than 14 years experience in delivering a professional and unbiased motor vehicle inspection service.
ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Accredited.
Trust EAA inspections for safer roads.